Your Testimonials
Your hair tea works!
We have great results with your teas !!! Personally, with TRIPHALA and SHUNTI, It helped me with reflux and it harmonized my metabolism and digestion.
I drank Shatawari tea after my cyst surgery and I still drink it every now and then and thank God no cyst has come back. I highly recommend him.
High quality teas.
I got the Ayurvedic immunity drink AMALAKI drink SHILAJIT MUMIO from a friend and started drinking it regularly every morning before breakfast. I wasn't expecting much from it and it was also hard to get used to the rather intense taste even after adding a little honey. Still, I persevered and kept drinking it. After a month I found that I have much more resistance to weather fluctuations and I can now get rid of a cold in 1 day.
I can recommend PRANA tea. With regular use three times a day plus activity.
I have been using teas for some time. They are effective for good sleep, calming down, concentration and harmonization, they cleanse blood and remove hemorrhoids. He who came up with these blends must have been a genius.
Hello, RANJAKA tea improved my spleen, digestion disorders. One month of regular use took care of it.
I would like to share my experience with SLESAKA tea for joints. I worked in the mountains in Norway and carried 50 kg of food and started to feel the joints. I drank 2-3 cups after 4 days and the pain went completely. I've been drinking it for 7 years. Thank you
I found BRAHMI tea did help me, I feel I am less stressed and my concentration is improving.