Your Testimonials
Very satisfied. I solve all my health problems with the help of teas. The most noticeable results have come from drinking SHATAWARI tea, which has helped me with cysts, and RANJAKA tea for blood formation and iron levels. In less than a month, my blood donation values adjusted from 123 to 136. I can't get enough of the teas.
With regular use of SARPAGANDHA tea, I managed to reduce hypertension by an average of about 20 mmHg and my doctor is no longer threatening me with pills. I am convinced that the power of nature wins. Thank you!
I have suffered from insomnia for many years. I started drinking ASHWAGANDHA and I sleep like a baby. The first wake-up in the morning was at five and now I often wake up after the alarm rings. I recommend it to all non-sleepers and thank you that you exist and help.
Hello, I am very happy with your teas, VIDANGA helped me lose weight, after drinking KALAMEGHA my gall bladder troubles are almost gone. Now I am considering PACHAKA, I quit smoking! Thanks
Hello, my lymph node on arms, legs and spine were swollen – unbearable pain, it lasted for two month. After drinking KATPHALA tea the pain reduced and my nodes got smaller. Fantastic effect. Thanks.
After tasting your CHYAWANPRASH I must say that it is absolutely unique. It is very tasteful, has a strong herbal effect on physical and mental health. It rejuvenates the body and gives energy. It is great! Thank you.
At the end of 2009 I drank SARPAGANDHA tea because my blood pressure was quite unstable. After two month my blood pressure got back to normal and it stays within good numbers.
Hi, what a lovely web site you have. I have a good feeling about your company and integrity. Many thanks. Kind regards,
For a long time I suffered from intestine spasms accompanied by a loud belly rumbling. I attended a traditional medicine doctor`s office, where I was recommended GUDUCHI tea. After one month of using the trouble almost disappeared.
I got TULSI tea from my work colleagues for my birthday, a packet of different kinds, that was on Monday. On Wednesday I felt a cold creeping up on me and a scratchy throat. I brewed tea and I must say the relief was immense. Thank you