Your Testimonials
Before I tried Everest Ayurveda teas, there had not been a tea that would have helped me. Your teas represent part and parcel of my home first-aid kit and I keep myself fascinated by the effects. I cannot be without UDANA after work.
Hello, I am a long-time customer of your Karavi tea, which miraculously cured me of a very aggressive allergy to tomatoes. That's why I have a lot of confidence in your teas. Thank you for your help.
Hello, after the vaccination, I had a complete breakdown of my entire body, incl. menstrual cycle. I suffered from very heavy, irregular, painful periods, PMS and short cycles. So I drank your APANA and DHATAKI teas. The first menstruation after the tea treatment was immediately affected! Menstruation came without unpleasant PMS, it was mild and painless. Thank you very much ❤ thanks to your teas, I avoided further hormonal treatment and possible surgery.
The TULSI tea was very helpful during cold, after two days of drinking the tea, the sore throat disappeared. Its taste is great and has an amazing warming effect. I recommend to have enough of it in the winter time!
We recently bought teas and elixirs from you...and it is a daily joyful ritual to brew and drink some together...thank you :), Your company gives us a very kind and trustworthy impression. Best regards
Hello, RANJAKA tea improved my spleen, digestion disorders. One month of regular use took care of it.
Hello. I am very happy with your teas. I have tried several of them and all of them were super. Thanks
We also watched your DVD today while drinking your delicious healing teas. An incredibly powerful story. Your products have greatly helped me in my recovery. Thank you very much and I wish you all the best.
Hello, I've been using your wonderful MANJISHTA tea for a couple of months now. It's helped me a lot. Thank you very much. Your website is great too.
Hi, what a lovely web site you have. I have a good feeling about your company and integrity. Many thanks. Kind regards,