Your Testimonials
Hello, I tried tea for restoring life energy PRANA. The effect is wonderful. My daughter when seeing my good mood started to drink it with juice. My husband also started to drink it and from a grouch he became a talking and smiling man :-))
I had a problem with slow intestines and bloating, PURISHAPRASH jam - bowel & emptying helped me a lot with this problem, I feel much better ...
Hello! Doctors found a degeneration in my spine with terrible pain. After a week of taking GOKSHURA tea, I began to feel relieved, I stopped taking medications and did not believe - it worked.
I visited the doctor for two years and complained about constant coughing. The doctors did not find anything and did not give anything. Then I bought TULSI tea and even though I hadn't finished one box yet, I don't cough anymore. Is it a miracle? No - it's the TULSI effect. And as a bonus, it's quite tasty - for cloves. It's my favorite tea now.
Hello, I bought ayurvedic tea NIMBA and have been using it for one month now and the complexion improved excellently. The acne also disappeared. This tea is having "A" from me!
Your teas are excellent and work amazingly well! A Member of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra,
Hello, I have been using APANA already for three months, always two days before the menstrual cycle and I do not have to use any pills for pain relief. Common herbal teas were not working. Thank you very much.
Hello, we love using Ayurvedic teas at home. The tried and tested PITTA, ALOCHAKA, VARUNA and HIMALAYAN RECREATION are excellent and really effective. We are very grateful to all those involved in the manufacture and import of these healing miracles.
I recommend, I am very satisfied:) Namaste
So far only your BRAHMI and GOTU KOLA tea works against depression and distraction caused by my frontal sensitivity! I use them at work too as they help me concentrate a lot, even when coffee doesn't help anymore!