Your Testimonials
Hi, MARICHA tea has helped me a lot with normalizing my blood pressure and overall I feel much better.
VIDANGA helped me not only to lose weight, it also cleansed my body and helped me look sound and beautiful. I have already tried ASHWAGANDHA, KANTAKARI, SHATAWARI and I can say it works. I am 48 years old and I feel better than before.
I have been using CHYAWANPRASH for half a year and I cannot speak highly enough of him. I was not affected by cold, cough,.. I was healthy all the winter after many years.
Thanks to MEDHIKA tea, my lactation increased by 50 %. Nothing helped me before as this tea.
Good morning, I started to prepare SARPAGANDHA tea for high blood pressure for my husband. He uses pills and his bl. pressure kept increasing. After one week of tea use, the pressure reduced to 125. Thank you for importing the teas.
I am very excited about the teas. After ASHWAGANDHA tea I sleep like a baby. When being attacked by a viruses, after drinking KATPHALA, fever reduced, sore throat disappeared and energy level increased with no use of pills!
They are good teas.
Hello. I would never believe that GOKSHURA tea can sort out my health problems with cervical spine. I am so happy I don`t have any more problems and keep drinking Gokshura. I strongly recommend it to all.
APANA tea relieves pain, after two cups you no longer need to take pills. Also MEDHIKA was very helpful for me when breastfeeding, because I had very little milk.
Hello, I did a 3 month treatment with the herbal pastes, skin, liver-blood and brain / nerves! CHYAWANPRASH is now again the ultimate vitalizing agent. They are all tasty. Sweet, sour, tart with honey and use with vegan milk, tasty. Teas have been well received by friends! I wish you would get to more people, especially in the healing, nursing and hospital sectors, with the elderly and children. A cooperation of modern and traditional healing methods that complement each other would be ideal.