Your Testimonials
I suffered from frequent vaginal mycoses. I started taking GAURI tea regularly and the problems disappeared. When it happens to me once in a while that I feel the onset of symptoms of mycosis, I immediately start taking this tea and the problems stop. Thank you very much.
I must praise your teas RANJAKA, SHATAWARI, VIDANGA and ASHOKA and from elixirs ARTHAVAPRASH. They work great, I'm excited!
It is indeed a miracle of nature in what a great harmony the herbal mixtures of teas, their aromas and effects are. The preparations are tasty, beneficial and easy to use. I equipped my kitchen and office with them.
I have been buying your teas for many years, they help me in my serious illness. They are fantastic and I am delighted to visit your online shop where I can choose from all assortment at one place and do not have to go to different stores.
Hi, from childhood I suffered from allergy to everything that is sour - rash on palms. For 14 days I was drinking GAURI daily and after I ate an orange, nothing happened. My mum cured her mildew on legs. It is great!
I have been taking Ayurvedic teas for a long time and can only recommend them. Personally they have helped me with dental problems, after eye surgery, digestion, musculoskeletal problems. Excellent products at a reasonable price :)
Hello, I`ve been drinking APANA tea, which helped me immensely with my painful menstruation. I threw away my pills, pain disappeared. Thanks!
Hello, I brought VIDANGA- Slim tea from my vacation a month ago and I am very happy with it. After a few weeks I lost 3 kilograms.
Thank you for such wonderful teas. I have been drinking NAGARA for two months and I have come back to life. I also tried PITTA Tea and I sincerely recommend it.
Hello, I regularly buy VARUNA tea which helps me with urinary tract infections. I also use it as a prophylaxis for cleansing.