Your Testimonials
Hello, RANJAKA tea improved my spleen, digestion disorders. One month of regular use took care of it.
Hello, some time ago my doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure. I found out about your teas and tried SARPAGANDHA. After 14 days, the pressure began to normalize, after drinking tea, it stays normal. Thank you for the possibility of using your tea, which helped me a lot.
I found TULSI tea relieving from a sore throat problem.
Hello, my grandmother has many health troubles. One of them is insufficient blood supply to her legs. She wakes at night in pain, but nothing helps her. After she tried your tea (VYANA) she feels much better. Thanks for her.
I have been using your teas for a long time for various ailments (goat, cataracts ...) and I am very satisfied. I recommended teas to my co-worker. I really can only recommend.
In the past, I used PACHAKA as a nutritional supplement because it is used to treat smoking addiction, so I have now ordered KUDZU tea, and I can confirm that I have reduced sweets, pastries, chocolate to zero, in addition to its relaxing effect on muscles.
Hello, we love using Ayurvedic teas at home. The tried and tested PITTA, ALOCHAKA, VARUNA and HIMALAYAN RECREATION are excellent and really effective. We are very grateful to all those involved in the manufacture and import of these healing miracles.
I use DHATAKI tea, menstruation is milder and shorter.
I have tried APANA for menstrual problems for the first time. It was pain relieving and it restored my vitality. I drank it two times a day for three days before menstrual cycle and two days during the period. I recommend it!
I suffered from frequent vaginal mycoses. I started taking GAURI tea regularly and the problems disappeared. When it happens to me once in a while that I feel the onset of symptoms of mycosis, I immediately start taking this tea and the problems stop. Thank you very much.