Your Testimonials
Hello, I have been drinking VATA tea for more than a week. It really tastes well and calms me down. Thanks.
Hello, I discovered your amazing teas. I did the dosha test and it came out that I am Pitta type and so I bought your PITTA tea. Thank you.
Hi, from childhood I suffered from allergy to everything that is sour - rash on palms. For 14 days I was drinking GAURI daily and after I ate an orange, nothing happened. My mum cured her mildew on legs. It is great!
It is indeed a miracle of nature in what a great harmony the herbal mixtures of teas, their aromas and effects are. The preparations are tasty, beneficial and easy to use. I equipped my kitchen and office with them.
Whole month through I was honestly using ABHAYA for cholesterol reduction. In the beginning: 9,4, after one month use three times a day and an evening pill: 5,2. Thanks a lot.
Hello, I bought ayurvedic tea NIMBA and have been using it for one month now and the complexion improved excellently. The acne also disappeared. This tea is having "A" from me!
I have been buying your teas for many years, they help me in my serious illness. They are fantastic and I am delighted to visit your online shop where I can choose from all assortment at one place and do not have to go to different stores.
I had hot flushes due to the starting menopause. I tried your tea, and it helped, and I also got other teas and elixirs for colds, muscle relief, TRIPHALA tea, and teas and elixirs for joints. I'm excited, and I also have delicious drinks, strangely, they taste for me, although there's TURMERIC or MORINGA in them, which I don't like at all. Thank you.
Hello, some time ago my doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure. I found out about your teas and tried SARPAGANDHA. After 14 days, the pressure began to normalize, after drinking tea, it stays normal. Thank you for the possibility of using your tea, which helped me a lot.
Hello, I have tried your weight reduction tea and it really helps, thank you. Regards