Your Testimonials
Hello. I ordered several products from you and I was satisfied with them. I plan to order another soon. Thank you.
I have tried APANA for menstrual problems for the first time. It was pain relieving and it restored my vitality. I drank it two times a day for three days before menstrual cycle and two days during the period. I recommend it!
Hello. I would never believe that GOKSHURA tea can sort out my health problems with cervical spine. I am so happy I don`t have any more problems and keep drinking Gokshura. I strongly recommend it to all.
Hi, I use ARJUNA tea for heart activity for two months. I have an arrhythmia and the tea helped me. I do not feel irregular palpitation and I am feeling well.
Thank you so much...your products are the best. I have been taking CHYAWANPRASH since last fall and in all that time I have not had a single cold, illness, etc. It is truly a miracle elixir...thank you so much!
Recently I came across the Himalayan Ayurvedic herbal teas and tried some of them (PITTA, BHRINGARAJ, JAIPHAL) and I am very happy with them. I am much calmer, my shoulder ligament got stronger, my toes` verrucas is vanishing..
Hello, I turned to your products due to my food intolerance to gluten and lactose, which I wanted to "cure" in a natural way. After long-term regular use of ANNAPRASH and PURISHAPRASH cleansing elixirs in combination with tea, I have managed to largely restore full function of the digestive tract and I no longer have to take intolerances into account in my diet. I definitely recommend trying smoothies with a mixture for hot drinks! They are an amazing helper in detoxification procedures. I am grateful that these products are available and I believe that some will discover their potential!
APANA tea corrected my menstruation and unpleasant manifestations of PMS within a week, a great relief for me and, most importantly, I did without artificial hormonal drugs with many side effects. Furthermore, VATA tea helps wonderfully throughout the long winter. I recommend these teas and Ayurveda in general to everyone !!
Hello, I got cold so I bought TULSI tea. Right after the second use, my nose released, sore throat disappeared and the cough stopped. I recommend to all who are sick.
Hello, I am using your healing therapy BLOOD AND SKIN DETOXIFICATION for hemorrhoids and it's amazing. After a week, I was without difficulty. It's been the third week I've been taking the treatment, and still not a drop of blood. Miracle!