Your Testimonials
Hello, RANJAKA tea improved my spleen, digestion disorders. One month of regular use took care of it.
I highly recommend ASHWAGANDHA tea for sleeping. I thought it was hopeless, every other day without sleep. ASHWAGANDHA worked immediately and helped me a lot. It was more effective than tranquilizers!
TRIPHALA tea for digestive tract detoxification and KALAMEGHA tea for liver and gallbladder have helped with digestion, bowel movements and I feel better overall. I was advised to cleanse my digestive tract due to minor difficulties and irregular periods. My menstruation is now regular and without any discomfort. Thank you very much.
I have tried APANA for menstrual problems for the first time. It was pain relieving and it restored my vitality. I drank it two times a day for three days before menstrual cycle and two days during the period. I recommend it!
I bought a tea for good sleep and it really works!!!! I recommend dearly.
Hello, I am a long-time customer of your Karavi tea, which miraculously cured me of a very aggressive allergy to tomatoes. That's why I have a lot of confidence in your teas. Thank you for your help.
Hello, I regularly buy VARUNA, which helps me with inflammation of the urinary tract. And I also use it as a prevention for cleansing.
I like your products very much and I am very satisfied with PURISHAPRASH and TRIPHALA. Since 3 weeks I have been using also CHYAWANPRASH and I feel full of energy and motivation. It can be also thank to detoxification. We are grateful that you have brought this products to Portugal!
We have great results with your teas !!! Personally, with TRIPHALA and SHUNTI, It helped me with reflux and it harmonized my metabolism and digestion.
With regular use of SARPAGANDHA tea, I managed to reduce hypertension by an average of about 20 mmHg and my doctor is no longer threatening me with pills. I am convinced that the power of nature wins. Thank you!