Your Testimonials
Your teas are excellent and work amazingly well! A Member of the Vienna Symphony Orchestra,
I got the Ayurvedic immunity drink AMALAKI drink SHILAJIT MUMIO from a friend and started drinking it regularly every morning before breakfast. I wasn't expecting much from it and it was also hard to get used to the rather intense taste even after adding a little honey. Still, I persevered and kept drinking it. After a month I found that I have much more resistance to weather fluctuations and I can now get rid of a cold in 1 day.
Hello, I had a big problem with sleep, I started drinking ASHWAGANDHA tea and I sleep all night like a baby. Thanks
I suffered from renal colic. Antibiotics did not work. Only after regular use of VARUNA and diet adjustment, my problems disappeared. It helped also my partner who had an urinary tract inflammation. I thank you on behalf of us two!!
Hello, we love using Ayurvedic teas at home. The tried and tested PITTA, ALOCHAKA, VARUNA and HIMALAYAN RECREATION are excellent and really effective. We are very grateful to all those involved in the manufacture and import of these healing miracles.
Hello, I turned to your products due to my food intolerance to gluten and lactose, which I wanted to "cure" in a natural way. After long-term regular use of ANNAPRASH and PURISHAPRASH cleansing elixirs in combination with tea, I have managed to largely restore full function of the digestive tract and I no longer have to take intolerances into account in my diet. I definitely recommend trying smoothies with a mixture for hot drinks! They are an amazing helper in detoxification procedures. I am grateful that these products are available and I believe that some will discover their potential!
Kidney tea VARUNA has helped me a lot already, even with renal colic, thank you very much I can only recommend.
Hello. I started drinking your teas a month ago and I feel a change. I am not as nervous as I was before and I sweat less too. I drink your teas as part of my water intake, two types of tea a day, 4-5 cups.
Hello, I regularly buy VARUNA, which helps me with inflammation of the urinary tract. And I also use it as a prevention for cleansing.
I bought a tea for good sleep and it really works!!!! I recommend dearly.