Your Testimonials
APANA tea relieves pain, after two cups you no longer need to take pills. Also MEDHIKA was very helpful for me when breastfeeding, because I had very little milk.
SARAGANDHA tea was recommended to me by a nurse in the store and I must say that the pressure has returned to normal. I also tried GOTU KOLA tea for my father for dementia and it is really effective. When he started coughing, I bought him PRANA tea and I must say that after the first tea, the cough subsided significantly, and the next night he could sleep more peacefully, because the cough did not wake him up. My father was 80 years old and I was afraid he would get pneumonia. Tea is also to be applied during this disease, and I just have to confirm that the tea helped. So I started to believe that teas really help and now we have more teas for our hair, stomach, heart and we are about to buy tea for sleep, blood vessels, muscles and more. I definitely believe in the power of nature. Thank you for making these teas available in Slovakia. I've also tried dried fruits in the past, and they're incredibly juicy and tasty.
Hello, we love using Ayurvedic teas at home. The tried and tested PITTA, ALOCHAKA, VARUNA and HIMALAYAN RECREATION are excellent and really effective. We are very grateful to all those involved in the manufacture and import of these healing miracles.
Hello, I got cold so I bought TULSI tea. Right after the second use, my nose released, sore throat disappeared and the cough stopped. I recommend to all who are sick.
Hello good morning with joy from my short experience I can say that I love all fruits, they are magnificent as snacks and that MEDAPRASH elixir reduces appetite, KAPHA tea gives energy.
Being an allergic, I have been using several modern medicines with very little results. After a regular using DALCHINI tea my allergy was gone after a month, no sneezing, eyes itchiness etc.
Since I came to Salzburg from Spain I have found at the Vegan Restaurant, in the Franz Joseph Straße 3, the Ayurvedic Teas. I drink TULSI regularly and so many other teas that have made so good to me and my health at my 60. I consider it to drink them every day to stay healthy. I invite all to try and feel how it fits to the body.
APANA tea corrected my menstruation and unpleasant manifestations of PMS within a week, a great relief for me and, most importantly, I did without artificial hormonal drugs with many side effects. Furthermore, VATA tea helps wonderfully throughout the long winter. I recommend these teas and Ayurveda in general to everyone !!
Thank you so much...your products are the best. I have been taking CHYAWANPRASH since last fall and in all that time I have not had a single cold, illness, etc. It is truly a miracle elixir...thank you so much!
Excellent!!!!! I love your teas, they really work, I managed to get the effects with the teas I purchased. I recommend, excellent quality and proven results.