Your Testimonials
The problem of cold was solved right after drinking the first tea. I am excited and where I go, I have been recommending it for already two years.
With regular use of SARPAGANDHA tea, I managed to reduce hypertension by an average of about 20 mmHg and my doctor is no longer threatening me with pills. I am convinced that the power of nature wins. Thank you!
I have been buying your teas for many years, they help me in my serious illness. They are fantastic and I am delighted to visit your online shop where I can choose from all assortment at one place and do not have to go to different stores.
Being an allergic, I have been using several modern medicines with very little results. After a regular using DALCHINI tea my allergy was gone after a month, no sneezing, eyes itchiness etc.
APANA tea relieves pain, after two cups you no longer need to take pills. Also MEDHIKA was very helpful for me when breastfeeding, because I had very little milk.
I like the MORINGA and GREEN BARLEY hot drinks. They have helped me and are still treating my allergies. And I can breathe well. Thank you very much.
Hello, I have been using APANA already for three months, always two days before the menstrual cycle and I do not have to use any pills for pain relief. Common herbal teas were not working. Thank you very much.
Hello, I tried tea for restoring life energy PRANA. The effect is wonderful. My daughter when seeing my good mood started to drink it with juice. My husband also started to drink it and from a grouch he became a talking and smiling man :-))
In the past, I used PACHAKA as a nutritional supplement because it is used to treat smoking addiction, so I have now ordered KUDZU tea, and I can confirm that I have reduced sweets, pastries, chocolate to zero, in addition to its relaxing effect on muscles.
I have a very good experience with the KALAMEGHA tea. It relieved me of long-lasting eczema on my hands that could only be regulated by corticoids. I had to get used to the taste of the tea, but it worked very well.