Your Testimonials
We also watched your DVD today while drinking your delicious healing teas. An incredibly powerful story. Your products have greatly helped me in my recovery. Thank you very much and I wish you all the best.
Hello, I brought VIDANGA- Slim tea from my vacation a month ago and I am very happy with it. After a few weeks I lost 3 kilograms.
Your hair tea works!
Hello, I have been drinking VATA tea for more than a week. It really tastes well and calms me down. Thanks.
Thanks for the VATA tea. Satisfied. These herbs really work. Greetings and thank you.
Good morning, I thank you for your teas which are very beneficial and effective. I often recommend them to my patients and use them myself.
For me, your teas are excellent companions of the my life pilgrimage, really :) And I am proud that it is a Czech-Slovak-Nepalese community. Thank you very much from the heart.
Hello, I am a long-time customer of your Karavi tea, which miraculously cured me of a very aggressive allergy to tomatoes. That's why I have a lot of confidence in your teas. Thank you for your help.
At the end of 2009 I drank SARPAGANDHA tea because my blood pressure was quite unstable. After two month my blood pressure got back to normal and it stays within good numbers.
I have noticed that since drinking AMALAKI and eating your dried fruit, my hair has stopped falling. I'm even growing new ones and I haven't experienced that in about 15 years. Thank your team for offering people these miracles of nature and human help. For me your products are the real miracle. MANJISTHA tea is perfect for viruses and bacteria. At least one cup I take a day. Your dried MANGO is an absolute delicates! I have never had better! Thank your team for offering people this miracles of nature and human help. Gratefully,