Your Testimonials
TRIPHALA tea for digestive tract detoxification and KALAMEGHA tea for liver and gall bladder have helped with digestion, bowel movements and overall I feel lighter.
So far only your BRAHMI and GOTU KOLA tea works against depression and distraction caused by my frontal sensitivity! I use them at work too as they help me concentrate a lot, even when coffee doesn't help anymore!
On the recommendation, I bought the PURISHAPRASH elixir for slow metabolism and I highly recommend trying it. It helps me and I will definitely like to try other herbal products. Thank you P.
APANA tea relieves pain, after two cups you no longer need to take pills. Also MEDHIKA was very helpful for me when breastfeeding, because I had very little milk.
Hello! Doctors found a degeneration in my spine with terrible pain. After a week of taking GOKSHURA tea, I began to feel relieved, I stopped taking medications and did not believe - it worked.
I use NIMBA tea for skin. I had a skin disorders and nothing helped. After two or three months of drinking this tea, my complexion looks much better.
I would like to thank for NAGARA tea, thanks to which I got rid of my problems. I observed the positive effects in five days. And not only did I get rid of that inflammation, but also the feeling of cold hands and feet. I also have significantly cleaner skin.
Being an allergic, I have been using several modern medicines with very little results. After a regular using DALCHINI tea my allergy was gone after a month, no sneezing, eyes itchiness etc.
Hello, my lymph node on arms, legs and spine were swollen – unbearable pain, it lasted for two month. After drinking KATPHALA tea the pain reduced and my nodes got smaller. Fantastic effect. Thanks.
For some time now, my feet and hands have been always cold. Since I started drinking VATA tea according to the test done, my blood circulation has improved. My hands and feet are warm again. Greetings