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Your Testimonials
I suffered from frequent vaginal mycoses. I started taking GAURI tea regularly and the problems disappeared. When it happens to me once in a while that I feel the onset of symptoms of mycosis, I immediately start taking this tea and the problems stop. Thank you very much.
Recently I was diagnosed with a herniated disc, I was in terrible pain! I tried Mamsaprash jam and I was incredibly relieved !!!
The products help me with any health problem. They helped me get rid of an ovarian cyst, back pain, helped me improve my digestion. However, the dosage must be followed. Thank you, Everest Ayurveda ♥
I am very satisfied with products from your company, which is why I gave them to my family and friends under the Christmas tree this year.
Before I tried Everest Ayurveda teas, there had not been a tea that would have helped me. Your teas represent part and parcel of my home first-aid kit and I keep myself fascinated by the effects. I cannot be without UDANA after work.
Good morning, I thank you for your teas which are very beneficial and effective. I often recommend them to my patients and use them myself.
I have been using CHYAWANPRASH for half a year and I cannot speak highly enough of him. I was not affected by cold, cough,.. I was healthy all the winter after many years.
For me, your teas are excellent companions of the my life pilgrimage, really :) And I am proud that it is a Czech-Slovak-Nepalese community. Thank you very much from the heart.
I have been taking Ayurvedic teas for a long time and can only recommend them. Personally they have helped me with dental problems, after eye surgery, digestion, musculoskeletal problems. Excellent products at a reasonable price :)
Hi, SHUNTHI tea sorted out my several years long persistent flatulence problems. Nothing else was really helping me, only this tea!