Ayurvedic immunity sets contain combinations of three natural Ayurvedic preparations based on the exceptional Ayurvedic fruit Amla or Amalaki. This fruit contains high levels of antioxidants and vitamin C, which makes it effective in stimulating the immune system, cleansing the digestive tract and nourishing the bodily tissues. It is traditionally taken in the form of Ayurvedic herbal elixirs such as Chyawanprash and other such preparations, as finely ground powder in Ayurvedic Amalaki drinks or as dried Ayurvedic fruit for direct consumption.
Read more in Amla - User Guide.
What Causes a Weak Immunity
The immunity is weakend by excessive stress, mental imbalances, negative emotions, body pollution, metabolic disorders, inappropriate diet and an unhealthy lifestyle. All these fundamentally affect the imbalance of the three life bio-energies (doshas) vata, pitta and kapha and the production of the ojas life force. The latter is the pure essence of kapha dosha that provides active protection against viruses, bacteria and infections and represents the deepest principle of immunity of all human bodily tissues in the form of mental and physical health. It arises in the course of good digestion and proper assimilation of nutritive substances. If the strength of the digestive fire is insufficient, then there is an excessive accumulation of toxins which weaken the formation of this essence and thus reduce the resistance of the body's immune system.
Learn more about Ayurvedic tips for Boosting Immunity and also discover the Ayurvedic Secret of Healthy Immunity and the Power of the Ojas.