Your Testimonials
A perfect documentary. Non-violent, gently presented and without unnecessary embellishments.
I recommend PACHAKA tea. I have been suffering from a pain under my left rib - stomach or spleen problem. After a few days' use, the pain was gone. The effect is amazing. Now I am trying BHRINGARAJ for hair.
For me, Everest-Ayurveda products are always very beneficial and have a balancing and harmonizing effect.
I visited the doctor for two years and complained about constant coughing. The doctors did not find anything and did not give anything. Then I bought TULSI tea and even though I hadn't finished one box yet, I don't cough anymore. Is it a miracle? No - it's the TULSI effect. And as a bonus, it's quite tasty - for cloves. It's my favorite tea now.
My father-in-law has diabetes and is already injecting insulin. He received MAHAPHALA tea from us as a gift. And even though he is not very inclined to the alternative, he is interested in another pack of tea, because the doctor told him that his condition had improved .. :-)
Hello, after drinking your teas, my friend got rid of a polyp in large intestine, doctor could not believe it. I also heard of improving iron levels in blood, disappearing of myoms… Regards,
I got the Ayurvedic immunity drink AMALAKI drink SHILAJIT MUMIO from a friend and started drinking it regularly every morning before breakfast. I wasn't expecting much from it and it was also hard to get used to the rather intense taste even after adding a little honey. Still, I persevered and kept drinking it. After a month I found that I have much more resistance to weather fluctuations and I can now get rid of a cold in 1 day.
Hello, I have been a cancer patient on hormonal treatment for three years. I use SHATAWARI tea as a supplement. It helps me a lot and I feel great. I recommend to everyone with the same problem. I drink twice a day as part of a drinking regime.
Hello, I have often suffered from migraines. PRANA tea helped me with these problems. I would like to deal with all ailments (varicose veins, menopause) in this way. I am very satisfied with herbal teas.
I have noticed that since drinking AMALAKI and eating your dried fruit, my hair has stopped falling. I'm even growing new ones and I haven't experienced that in about 15 years. Thank your team for offering people these miracles of nature and human help. For me your products are the real miracle. MANJISTHA tea is perfect for viruses and bacteria. At least one cup I take a day. Your dried MANGO is an absolute delicates! I have never had better! Thank your team for offering people this miracles of nature and human help. Gratefully,