Your Testimonials
Hello, some time ago my doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure. I found out about your teas and tried SARPAGANDHA. After 14 days, the pressure began to normalize, after drinking tea, it stays normal. Thank you for the possibility of using your tea, which helped me a lot.
In recent weeks, angina, viruses and colds have been rampant ... I have recommended TULSI, DALCHINI and KATPHALA, according to the symptoms reported, and everyone was satisfied with the results of the effects of these teas, including me. They really work!
I use DHATAKI tea, menstruation is milder and shorter.
Hello, I regularly buy VARUNA, which helps me with inflammation of the urinary tract. And I also use it as a prevention for cleansing.
NIMBA tea helped me with itchy eczema. I highly recommend!!!
I really appreciate the THERMOS! I had to try one for myself. It's absolutely great, I use it every day!
Hello, ASWAGANDHA tea really helped me with my sleep problems. I can hardly remember such a long and uninterrupted sleep. Thanks.
Kidney tea VARUNA has helped me a lot already, even with renal colic, thank you very much I can only recommend.
I got the Ayurvedic immunity drink AMALAKI drink SHILAJIT MUMIO from a friend and started drinking it regularly every morning before breakfast. I wasn't expecting much from it and it was also hard to get used to the rather intense taste even after adding a little honey. Still, I persevered and kept drinking it. After a month I found that I have much more resistance to weather fluctuations and I can now get rid of a cold in 1 day.
I highly recommend tea for sleep ASHWAGANDHA. I was almost desperate, each second day without sleep. ASHWAGANDHA worked immediately and helped me very much. It was more effective than calming pills!