Your Testimonials
I have been using CHYAWANPRASH for half a year and I cannot speak highly enough of him. I was not affected by cold, cough,.. I was healthy all the winter after many years.
High quality teas.
For years I have suffered from persistent allergies (dust, mites, pollens), which got worse with each passing year. Every summer I have to endure constant sneezing, blowing my nose, red eyes and itching in my nose and ears. After a few days of using DALCHINI and KARAVI teas, I was extremely relieved, with only the minimum left of the usual symptoms. And all without chemistry! I am very grateful for your teas and I will continue to use them.
I have suffered from insomnia for many years. I started drinking ASHWAGANDHA and I sleep like a baby. The first wake-up in the morning was at five and now I often wake up after the alarm rings. I recommend it to all non-sleepers and thank you that you exist and help.
I am very happy with the JATAMANSI tea. Finally, I was able to stop taking my nervous system sedatives, I feel happier, more relaxed. I will buy another package, I recommend it to everyone.
My husband and I tried Maricha tea to adjust the blood pressure, after three days the pressure was normal and then we tried other teas. Udana for energy and Dosha tea Vata. They all help us a lot. Now I will also try elixirs and dried fruit. Thank you very much for having the opportunity to buy your teas.
APANA tea corrected my menstruation and unpleasant manifestations of PMS within a week, a great relief for me and, most importantly, I did without artificial hormonal drugs with many side effects. Furthermore, VATA tea helps wonderfully throughout the long winter. I recommend these teas and Ayurveda in general to everyone !!
Hi :) RAKTAPRASH is a unique combination of AMALAKI fruit and oriental herbs. I have used this rare blend and recommend it to anyone who wants to strengthen the liver or cleanse the blood. Regards.
I would like to thank you for NAGARA tea. I got rid of my problems, the positive effects I observed already after five days. Not only I ridded of the inflammation but also of the feeling of cold hands and legs. My skin is also purer.
Hello, I have tried VIDANGA tea for losing weight and it really works. Thank you very much.