Your Testimonials
I have become very fond of your products because they help me with various health problems. As long as the method of preparation, dosage and their correct choice are followed, I believe, the effect will come. I also have them as part of various health treatments. I am dedicated to alternative medicine and the treasures that Mother Nature provides us, how to help ourselves in the best and most gentle way for various health problems with high quality and gently processed natural products. And yours certainly meet them.
I am 50 years old and I am in perimenopause. I have noticed menstrual changes accompanied by some physical and sometimes emotional discomfort. I started drinking ASHOKA tea and I feel better and more balanced because menstruation, although irregular, now flows more naturally and with fewer additional symptoms. I also experience less mood swings. I am very grateful for that!
I have an experience with tea for strong menstrual pain and it helped me a lot. I do not have to use any pills, only 2 or 3 times a day I drink this tea, I feel much better. Thank you very much.
I have been taking Ayurvedic teas for a long time and can only recommend them. Personally they have helped me with dental problems, after eye surgery, digestion, musculoskeletal problems. Excellent products at a reasonable price :)
I must praise your teas RANJAKA, SHATAWARI, VIDANGA and ASHOKA and from elixirs ARTHAVAPRASH. They work great, I'm excited!
I have suffered from insomnia for many years. I started drinking ASHWAGANDHA and I sleep like a baby. The first wake-up in the morning was at five and now I often wake up after the alarm rings. I recommend it to all non-sleepers and thank you that you exist and help.
I really got to like your Himalayan Ayurvedic teas, because they really work. Above all, TULSI is amazing, but I feel positive results even with your eye tea – ALOCHAKA. Recently, I had some teeth problems so I got KANTAKARI. Thank you!
SARAGANDHA tea was recommended to me by a nurse in the store and I must say that the pressure has returned to normal. I also tried GOTU KOLA tea for my father for dementia and it is really effective. When he started coughing, I bought him PRANA tea and I must say that after the first tea, the cough subsided significantly, and the next night he could sleep more peacefully, because the cough did not wake him up. My father was 80 years old and I was afraid he would get pneumonia. Tea is also to be applied during this disease, and I just have to confirm that the tea helped. So I started to believe that teas really help and now we have more teas for our hair, stomach, heart and we are about to buy tea for sleep, blood vessels, muscles and more. I definitely believe in the power of nature. Thank you for making these teas available in Slovakia. I've also tried dried fruits in the past, and they're incredibly juicy and tasty.
According to your advice, I used PITTA tea with SVEDAPRASH elixir for 3 weeks and now I am at the end of the second week with NIMBA tea and also with SVEDAPRASH elixir. My skin has improved a lot. It is healed, new manifestations do not occur and I am satisfied.
Hello, I have tried your weight reduction tea and it really helps, thank you. Regards