Your Testimonials
I would like to share my experience with SLESAKA tea for joints. I worked in the mountains in Norway and carried 50 kg of food and started to feel the joints. I drank 2-3 cups after 4 days and the pain went completely. I've been drinking it for 7 years. Thank you
Good morning, I started to prepare SARPAGANDHA tea for high blood pressure for my husband. He uses pills and his bl. pressure kept increasing. After one week of tea use, the pressure reduced to 125. Thank you for importing the teas.
Hello, I did a 3 month treatment with the herbal pastes, skin, liver-blood and brain / nerves! CHYAWANPRASH is now again the ultimate vitalizing agent. They are all tasty. Sweet, sour, tart with honey and use with vegan milk, tasty. Teas have been well received by friends! I wish you would get to more people, especially in the healing, nursing and hospital sectors, with the elderly and children. A cooperation of modern and traditional healing methods that complement each other would be ideal.
I started using the BRAHMI tea after I stopped the anti seizure medication (as it made me unable to study). The Brahmi tea helped to calm the pinching that would happen where my calcified lesion is in my brain. I’m currently writing my thesis and will be done end of July.
I bought a tea for sleep and it is really great. It really works….chrrrrr… :))
I have tried many alternative herbal remedies, but only your teas are really working. I feel physically and mentally better :)
Good day. I have a very good experience with JATAMANSI tea. Due to difficult life problems, I began to have insomnia and anxiety, which later turned into depression. At first I tried ASHWAGANDHA tea for insomnia, but unfortunately I was already at the stage where my hands were shaking, I felt tense for 24 hours and had a fluctuating mood, so ASHWAGANDHA only helped a little, it was my fault, because I choose not quite a suitable tea to my health problems. I only felt real relief after trying JATAMANSI. It worked for me to combine JATAMANSI and ASHWAGANDHA or ASHWAGANDHA and RAJANI teas. Regards
Hello, I also like drinking your teas, they help me with everything. Skin, fatigue, energy supply. Thank you
Hello, I regularly buy teas from your offer (KUDZU, BRAHMI) and I am very satisfied with them. Regards
I have tried APANA for menstrual problems for the first time. It was pain relieving and it restored my vitality. I drank it two times a day for three days before menstrual cycle and two days during the period. I recommend it!