Your Testimonials
Excellent!!!!! I love your teas, they really work, I managed to get the effects with the teas I purchased. I recommend, excellent quality and proven results.
I have tried NIMBA tea for skin problems and I swear by it, I am going to try other teas as well!
I found out a long time ago that our body usually responds better to natural healing, because it is also from nature. Ayurvedic teas are perfectly combined and miraculously effective. And specifically, your company does an excellent job, quality raw materials and a perfect choice. I have been buying your products regularly for several years. They worked best for me: KATPHALA tea, which I use for flu and APANA for unpleasant menstrual period. My symptoms immediately decrease by 70-80%. Well thank you.
Hello, I am using NIMBA tea for my skin problems. After several days of use, it removed skin itching and eruption was gone. In our family we use VARUNA tea for kidneys. It ridded us of infection bothering for a long period.
Good morning. I bought your NIMBA tea for acne, which got much worse because of stress. After two month of drinking this herbal blend I completely got rid of the acne on my face. In addition, my menstruation pain reduced.
Hello, I bought ayurvedic tea NIMBA and have been using it for one month now and the complexion improved excellently. The acne also disappeared. This tea is having "A" from me!
I was given your tea for urinary tract from a friend of mine a I am very satisfied with it. Thanks
The products help me with any health problem. They helped me get rid of an ovarian cyst, back pain, helped me improve my digestion. However, the dosage must be followed. Thank you, Everest Ayurveda ♥
Good day. I have a very good experience with JATAMANSI tea. Due to difficult life problems, I began to have insomnia and anxiety, which later turned into depression. At first I tried ASHWAGANDHA tea for insomnia, but unfortunately I was already at the stage where my hands were shaking, I felt tense for 24 hours and had a fluctuating mood, so ASHWAGANDHA only helped a little, it was my fault, because I choose not quite a suitable tea to my health problems. I only felt real relief after trying JATAMANSI. It worked for me to combine JATAMANSI and ASHWAGANDHA or ASHWAGANDHA and RAJANI teas. Regards
Whole month through I was honestly using ABHAYA for cholesterol reduction. In the beginning: 9,4, after one month use three times a day and an evening pill: 5,2. Thanks a lot.