Your Testimonials
With regular use of SARPAGANDHA tea, I managed to reduce hypertension by an average of about 20 mmHg and my doctor is no longer threatening me with pills. I am convinced that the power of nature wins. Thank you!
It is indeed a miracle of nature in what a great harmony the herbal mixtures of teas, their aromas and effects are. The preparations are tasty, beneficial and easy to use. I equipped my kitchen and office with them.
I found BRAHMI tea did help me, I feel I am less stressed and my concentration is improving.
The products help me with any health problem. They helped me get rid of an ovarian cyst, back pain, helped me improve my digestion. However, the dosage must be followed. Thank you, Everest Ayurveda ♥
I suffered from a stomach disorder accompanied by diarrhea and stomach cramps for a few days. However I ate one package of AMALAKI fruit. It managed to stop my diarrhea and rid me of the stomach pain. Excellent, I recommend it!
Kidney tea VARUNA has helped me a lot already, even with renal colic, thank you very much I can only recommend.
I want to join this positive reactions to your teas. One year ago my daughter and I fell sick with urinary tract inflammation. Then I remembered your herbal teas, so I bought your tea for cleansing the urinary tract and I immediately felt relief.
For years I have suffered from persistent allergies (dust, mites, pollens), which got worse with each passing year. Every summer I have to endure constant sneezing, blowing my nose, red eyes and itching in my nose and ears. After a few days of using DALCHINI and KARAVI teas, I was extremely relieved, with only the minimum left of the usual symptoms. And all without chemistry! I am very grateful for your teas and I will continue to use them.
Good morning, I would like to state, that I am satisfied with your products very much as they have always helped me.
Hello, I`ve been drinking APANA tea, which helped me immensely with my painful menstruation. I threw away my pills, pain disappeared. Thanks!