Your Testimonials
Hello, some time ago my doctor diagnosed me with high blood pressure. I found out about your teas and tried SARPAGANDHA. After 14 days, the pressure began to normalize, after drinking tea, it stays normal. Thank you for the possibility of using your tea, which helped me a lot.
After the vaccination of jaundice, I started an atopic eczema, the allergist and doctors did not help, they found nothing and they deny the connection with the vaccination, after three years, VARUNA tea for the kidneys helped. Thank you
Having tasted your CHYAWANPRASH elixir, I must say that it is absolutely unique. It is very tasty and has a strong herbal effect on physical and mental health. It rejuvenates the body and gives energy. This is great!
Hi, SHUNTHI tea sorted out my several years long persistent flatulence problems. Nothing else was really helping me, only this tea!
Hi, what a lovely web site you have. I have a good feeling about your company and integrity. Many thanks. Kind regards,
Hello, I did a 3 month treatment with the herbal pastes, skin, liver-blood and brain / nerves! CHYAWANPRASH is now again the ultimate vitalizing agent. They are all tasty. Sweet, sour, tart with honey and use with vegan milk, tasty. Teas have been well received by friends! I wish you would get to more people, especially in the healing, nursing and hospital sectors, with the elderly and children. A cooperation of modern and traditional healing methods that complement each other would be ideal.
I drink your teas to stay healthy, the doctors have been treating me for 3 years without success. I tried your teas as a last resort and I didn't believe that the miracle had become a reality and I had no problems at all, I thank nature and the people who deal with it and prepare medicinal tea mixtures.
A year ago my blood pressure got high. My English and Slovak pills made my blood pressure unstable. After one week drinking this tea I put my pills away. I am O.K. Thank you all!
Whole month through I was honestly using ABHAYA for cholesterol reduction. In the beginning: 9,4, after one month use three times a day and an evening pill: 5,2. Thanks a lot.
I suffered from unpleasant diarrheas and digestion problems for several weeks. Regular pharmacy medicine was completely ineffective. With SHUNTHI my problem was gone shortly! This tea, compared to other gastric teas, is very tasty.