Your Testimonials
Hello, I am 25 years old and as a regular blood donator, I was often told by the blood transfusion centre, that I do not have a good blood. Since the time I use your teas they have not complained to me anymore. Thank you very much.
Excellent!!!!! I love your teas, they really work, I managed to get the effects with the teas I purchased. I recommend, excellent quality and proven results.
I bought KODAMA – Samurai secret incense sticks in your teashop and I must say it was the most fantastic fragrance I have ever smelt in my life.
I suffered from frequent vaginal mycoses. I started taking GAURI tea regularly and the problems disappeared. When it happens to me once in a while that I feel the onset of symptoms of mycosis, I immediately start taking this tea and the problems stop. Thank you very much.
Hello. I would never believe that GOKSHURA tea can sort out my health problems with cervical spine. I am so happy I don`t have any more problems and keep drinking Gokshura. I strongly recommend it to all.
VIDANGA helped me not only to lose weight, it also cleansed my body and helped me look sound and beautiful. I have already tried ASHWAGANDHA, KANTAKARI, SHATAWARI and I can say it works. I am 48 years old and I feel better than before.
For a long time I suffered from intestine spasms accompanied by a loud belly rumbling. I attended a traditional medicine doctor`s office, where I was recommended GUDUCHI tea. After one month of using the trouble almost disappeared.
Thank you so much...your products are the best. I have been taking CHYAWANPRASH since last fall and in all that time I have not had a single cold, illness, etc. It is truly a miracle elixir...thank you so much!
We also watched your DVD today while drinking your delicious healing teas. An incredibly powerful story. Your products have greatly helped me in my recovery. Thank you very much and I wish you all the best.
Hello. I am very happy with your teas. I have tried several of them and all of them were super. Thanks