Your Testimonials
I got TULSI tea from my work colleagues for my birthday, a packet of different kinds, that was on Monday. On Wednesday I felt a cold creeping up on me and a scratchy throat. I brewed tea and I must say the relief was immense. Thank you
Since I came to Salzburg from Spain I have found at the Vegan Restaurant, in the Franz Joseph Straße 3, the Ayurvedic Teas. I drink TULSI regularly and so many other teas that have made so good to me and my health at my 60. I consider it to drink them every day to stay healthy. I invite all to try and feel how it fits to the body.
They are good teas.
Hello, I also like drinking your teas, they help me with everything. Skin, fatigue, energy supply. Thank you
In any case your teas are incredibly calming dementia and improve this condition too! Far better than medication! Thank you!!!!!
Hello, I have been using your tea for a long time and I think they really help me with all possible troubles :) Thank you and I wish you a nice day.
I drink your teas to stay healthy, the doctors have been treating me for 3 years without success. I tried your teas as a last resort and I didn't believe that the miracle had become a reality and I had no problems at all, I thank nature and the people who deal with it and prepare medicinal tea mixtures.
Hello, I am a long-time customer of your Karavi tea, which miraculously cured me of a very aggressive allergy to tomatoes. That's why I have a lot of confidence in your teas. Thank you for your help.
I would like to thank you for NAGARA tea. I got rid of my problems, the positive effects I observed already after five days. Not only I ridded of the inflammation but also of the feeling of cold hands and legs. My skin is also purer.
Hello, after drinking your teas, my friend got rid of a polyp in large intestine, doctor could not believe it. I also heard of improving iron levels in blood, disappearing of myoms… Regards,