Your Testimonials
Hello, after drinking your teas, my friend got rid of a polyp in large intestine, doctor could not believe it. I also heard of improving iron levels in blood, disappearing of myoms… Regards,
APANA tea gives relief from pain, after two cups there is no need to use pills. Also MEDHIKA for nursing was really helpful when I had little milk.
I found out a long time ago that our body usually responds better to natural healing, because it is also from nature. Ayurvedic teas are perfectly combined and miraculously effective. And specifically, your company does an excellent job, quality raw materials and a perfect choice. I have been buying your products regularly for several years. They worked best for me: KATPHALA tea, which I use for flu and APANA for unpleasant menstrual period. My symptoms immediately decrease by 70-80%. Well thank you.
We recently bought teas and elixirs from you...and it is a daily joyful ritual to brew and drink some together...thank you :), Your company gives us a very kind and trustworthy impression. Best regards
I drink ASHWAGANDHA tea twice a day. It is amazing, no pills for sleep, only herbs and I must say I do not like herbal teas, but this one is not bad, I like it and it tastes good. I recommend it.
Hello, I bought your RANJAKA tea and it is doing me good (for fatigue and irritation). Thanks
APANA tea corrected my menstruation and unpleasant manifestations of PMS within a week, a great relief for me and, most importantly, I did without artificial hormonal drugs with many side effects. Furthermore, VATA tea helps wonderfully throughout the long winter. I recommend these teas and Ayurveda in general to everyone !!
I drink your teas to stay healthy, the doctors have been treating me for 3 years without success. I tried your teas as a last resort and I didn't believe that the miracle had become a reality and I had no problems at all, I thank nature and the people who deal with it and prepare medicinal tea mixtures.
Hello, RANJAKA tea improved my spleen, digestion disorders. One month of regular use took care of it.
For me, your teas are excellent companions of the my life pilgrimage, really :) And I am proud that it is a Czech-Slovak-Nepalese community. Thank you very much from the heart.