Your Testimonials
Hello, I turned to your products due to my food intolerance to gluten and lactose, which I wanted to "cure" in a natural way. After long-term regular use of ANNAPRASH and PURISHAPRASH cleansing elixirs in combination with tea, I have managed to largely restore full function of the digestive tract and I no longer have to take intolerances into account in my diet. I definitely recommend trying smoothies with a mixture for hot drinks! They are an amazing helper in detoxification procedures. I am grateful that these products are available and I believe that some will discover their potential!
I drink APANA tea and after years of irregular menstruation my cycle eventually settled down. Amazing.
APANA tea gives relief from pain, after two cups there is no need to use pills. Also MEDHIKA for nursing was really helpful when I had little milk.
Hello, after drinking your teas, my friend got rid of a polyp in large intestine, doctor could not believe it. I also heard of improving iron levels in blood, disappearing of myoms… Regards,
I would like to thank for NAGARA tea, thanks to which I got rid of my problems. I observed the positive effects in five days. And not only did I get rid of that inflammation, but also the feeling of cold hands and feet. I also have significantly cleaner skin.
Hello, I discovered your amazing teas. I did the dosha test and it came out that I am Pitta type and so I bought your PITTA tea. Thank you.
I'm allergic to pollen. I've been on anti-allergy medication for 7 years, but nothing has helped. I started drinking DALCHINI and after two days all the symptoms disappeared. I don't know if it can be a miracle, but I think so :)
Hello, I have been buying your teas for a long time and I deal with a very nice and capable sales representative. She tries to provide me with lot of information, unlike other companies.
I have an experience with tea for strong menstrual pain and it helped me a lot. I do not have to use any pills, only 2 or 3 times a day I drink this tea, I feel much better. Thank you very much.
They are good teas.