Your Testimonials
At the end of 2009 I drank SARPAGANDHA tea because my blood pressure was quite unstable. After two month my blood pressure got back to normal and it stays within good numbers.
Hello. I started drinking your teas a month ago and I feel a change. I am not as nervous as I was before and I sweat less too. I drink your teas as part of my water intake, two types of tea a day, 4-5 cups.
Hello, I`ve been drinking APANA tea, which helped me immensely with my painful menstruation. I threw away my pills, pain disappeared. Thanks!
Hello, I am 25 years old and as a regular blood donator, I was often told by the blood transfusion centre, that I do not have a good blood. Since the time I use your teas they have not complained to me anymore. Thank you very much.
I'll just tell you that your products are magical and help me immensely! My partner has back pain and we are taking SLESAKA on joints ... Thank you very much, greetings!
For me the most powerful natural products I have ever tried. NIMBA tea rid me of a recurring foot fungus that western medicine was short on. I have always been pale and now have beautiful healthy skin.
The problem of cold was solved right after drinking the first tea. I am excited and where I go, I have been recommending it for already two years.
Hello, we love using Ayurvedic teas at home. The tried and tested PITTA, ALOCHAKA, VARUNA and HIMALAYAN RECREATION are excellent and really effective. We are very grateful to all those involved in the manufacture and import of these healing miracles.
Since I came to Salzburg from Spain I have found at the Vegan Restaurant, in the Franz Joseph Straße 3, the Ayurvedic Teas. I drink TULSI regularly and so many other teas that have made so good to me and my health at my 60. I consider it to drink them every day to stay healthy. I invite all to try and feel how it fits to the body.
Hello, RANJAKA tea improved my spleen, digestion disorders. One month of regular use took care of it.