VATA contributes to mental stability, promotes mental relaxation and calms the nervous system
VATA Body OIL pleasantly warms and effectively moisturizes dry and tense skin
CHYAWANPRASH strengthens the immune system and has antioxidant effects on rejuvenating bodily tissues
AMALAKI bar VATA strenghtens energy and contributes to mental well-being
Food supplements
This Ayurvedic dosha therapy is suitable for people with predominantly vata constitution. An aggravation of this dosha can cause: dehydration, dry and cracked skin, cracking joints, insomnia, drowsiness, weight loss, cold limbs, poor circulation, stiffness, cramps, trembling, insecurity, anxiety and fear. Take Ayurvedic Vata tea along with Chyawanprash nutritive elixir 2-3 times a day and apply Vata body oil on the skin as part of daily self-massage (abhyanga). Amalaki Vata nutrition bar contributes to energy metabolism in accordance with the constitutional type of vata. The therapy is suitable for long-term use between 1-6 months.
To balance and stabilize vata dosha, one should conscientiously follow a suitable diet (ahara), healthy lifestyle (vihara) and Ayurvedic daily cycle (dinacharya) in accordance with this dosha.