During the winter, an excess amount of Kapha dosha accumulates in the body in the form of a clogged stomach, where microbes, bacteria and viruses thrive best, which weaken the strength of the immune system. That is why there are flu epidemics associated with colds, bronchitis and general diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract in the spring. With spring also comes pollen allergy season, which lasts until early fall. Allergies to various types of food are also very common, which are manifested by irritation of the mucous membrane of the large intestine, or irritable bowel. The most frequent is intolerance to gluten in cereals and lactose in dairy products. Food allergies are most often manifested by skin eczema or hives and often act in combination with pollen allergies.
Read the recommendation on allergens detoxification in the article Join the Ayurvedic Purification - Intestines & Allergens.
As a result of the accumulation of toxins in body tissues, free radicals are formed, which cause degenerative aging processes, slow down digestion, cause allergies, damage the intestinal mucosa and cause constipation. Psychic toxins settle in the liver and gall bladder and cause negative emotions such as nervousness, rage, anger, hostility, fear, anxiety and insecurity.
Manifestations of Body Pollution
We can recognize the presence of an excessive amount of toxins in the body by the following symptoms: lack of energy, feeling of heaviness, lethargy, fatigue, weakness, laziness, depression, headache, restlessness, irritability, lack of concentration, digestive disorders, stomach and intestinal problems, flatulence, constipation, increased saliva production, coating on the tongue, bad taste in the mouth, decreased appetite, increased blood sugar, overweight, skin and fungal diseases, allergies, weakened liver function, increased temperature, swelling, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, urinary and gallstones.
Detox Fasting
One of the methods of total body detoxification is short-term fasting (not long-term starvation), which cleanses the digestive system, clears the respiratory tract, clears the mind and raises mental awareness. The minimum duration of an Ayurvedic fast is considered to be a period of five days, during which the first nutritional body tissue (rasa) is purified. If this is too demanding for you, then an all-day Sunday fast once a week during 1-3 months is sufficient, when the most suitable drink is only clean water heated to the temperature of the human body.
Cleansing Programme - 7 Simple Tips for Detoxification
By far the best tool for preventing the accumulation of toxins in the body is a healthy diet in accordance with your personal constitution. Here are seven simple instructions to relieve the body and support its natural detoxification and cleansing process:
- Eat only vegetable soups or salads and skip dinner.
- Treat your body to a bitter taste that supports digestion and cleanses the liver.
- Drink warm water or herbal teas so that toxic substances can be flushed out of the body faster.
- Support the detoxification of the stomach and intestinal tract by drinking suitable herbal teas.
- Drink a glass of warm water with lemon in the morning after waking up.
- Learn to breathe correctly and consciously.
- Do sports and go for a run in the morning or evening.
- Perform regular full-body self-massage with warm oil (abhyanga) to help eliminate subcutaneous toxins.