Systemic Therapies

Systemic therapies include Ayurvedic teas that provide care for the health of the body that has been impaired by prolonged exposure to adverse influences or habits. Therefore, lifestyle changes including diet, mindset and certain habits are also required to restore proper bodily functions.

Body Disorders Leading to Diabetes

Excessive consumption of food leads to body overweight and then subsequent increase in blood cholesterol levels. These symptoms eventually manifest themselves in the form of impaired pancreatic function and diabetes. Increased fatty tissue causes gallstones, obesity, diabetes and increased blood pressure. The development of diabetes is preceded by several warning signs that are easy to observe: goosebumps or cramping when urinating, unpleasant underarm odour, shortness of breath, burning thirst and excessive saliva and tartar production.

Oncological Disorder - Psychosomatic Imbalance of Three Life Forces 

According to Ayurveda, the cause of oncological disorder is associated with a strong disturbance in the psychosomatic balance of the three life principles of Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Such systemic upset occurs mainly due to prolonged pollution of the body, exposure to carcinogens or chronic disturbance of life rhythms, digestive system, immune system or psychic condition. 

Need for Detoxification and Diet Change  

As a consequence of a radical decrease in digestive fire activity, toxic substances accumulate in the body and gradually infect bodily tissues. Thus a proper diet is of great importance to purifiy the digestive tract and restore harmonic metabolism. Detoxification therapy includes strict elimination of meat and dairy consumption as well as the focus on raw vegetable (barley, oats, rice, celery, dandelion, mungo bean sprouts, sprouted sunflower seeds and alfalfa, ginger, garlic, turmeric) or fruit juices.

Recommendations for total restoration of life force can be found in the article Ayurvedic Secrets of Healthy Immunity - Ojas.

Systemic Therapies


Diabetic Diet

6,90 €


Body Defence & Immunity Support

6,90 €


Cell Resistance & Protection

6,90 €