MAJJAPRASH relieves the nervous tension and calms down agitation
BHRINGARAJ hair OIL cares for the scalp and brings relief from mental tension, agitation and stress
Food Supplements
This Ayurvedic regeneration treatment is suitable for relieving nervous tension and for overall relaxation of the body. Insomnia is caused by restless minds, fear and anxiety, emotional distress, stress, overload, excessive travel, use of stimulants, disturbance of biological rhythms, noise, heat, cold, inferior bed or its inappropriate placement. Drink Calming Relaxation tea for 1-3 months during the day and after coming home from work. Take Ashwagandha tea always 1 hour before bedtime along with sleep and mental hygiene.
In case you need to relieve tension and stress after the day or relieve burning sensation in your eyes to prevent difficult falling asleep or insomnia, massage the scalp before going to bed with Bhringaraj hair oil and feet with Vata, Pitta or Kapha body oil, depending on your constitution. Rubbing the feet and ankles with warm oil promotes sound sleep.
The head is the seat of the brain, nerve centre and sensory organs. Therefore, scalp massage (murdha taila) brings relief from mental tension, agitation and stress. It is applied for migraine, headache, insomnia, tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo. In case of acute tension in the head or eye area, you can do a nostril oiling (navana-nasya), where you insert your pinky finger dipped in oil into the nostrils and make a gentle massage.
I ordered your products for my office to try and I was very pleased with the packaging and the overall good energy I felt after opening it. Thank you, I wish you all the best and good health in 2022.
We recently bought teas and elixirs from you...and it is a daily joyful ritual to brew and drink some together...thank you :), Your company gives us a very kind and trustworthy impression. Best regards
Ayurvedic tea: let one teaspoon of herbal blend (cca 2g) simmer for 3–5 minutes or pour 250 ml of boiling water and allow 10 minutes infusion.
Ayurvedic elixir: use 1 teaspoon (5g/teaspoon) 2–3x daily separately or with a cup of lukewarm milk or water. To prepare a delicious drink, mix 1 teaspoon (5g) in 8 fl oz (250 ml) of warm water.
Recommended Dosage
Recommended dosage of the Ayurvedic tea: 2–3 cups a day
Recommended dosage of the Ayurvedic elixir: 1 teaspoon ( 5g) 2 – 3 a day
Use in the morning on an empty stomach, during the day 1 hour before meal and at night before sleep.
How to use Ayurvedic teas
To serve as a remedy to enhance physical and mental functions, the Himalayan herbs are traditionally boiled for 3 - 5 minutes. Such decoction has a stronger effect, milder taste and positive influence upon our digestion, that enables proper assimilation of health-promoting extracts of the Himalayan herbs. The teas are drunk as a part of daily drinking regime for the period of duration of health disorders. When undertaking herbal therapy, the tea can be used for a period of 1 to 3 months in accordance with a daily dosage indicated on the particular label. Allow one-week pause after finishing each tea box.
We recommend using a maximum of two kinds of teas at the same time. For reducing symptoms of common ailments, more of the teas can be switched in daily or weekly periods. Such being the case, teas are drunk separately with one-hour interval. When drinking as a preventive, stimulating or supportive remedy, herb infusion is sufficient with unlimited period of use. For stronger health effectivity, teas are used warm before meal. The specific taste of each tea is a part of its therapeutic effect and corresponds to the Ayurvedic properties of six tastes. Thus, any kind of sweetener is not recommended.
How to use Ayurvedic elixirs
Ayurvedic herbal elixirs enhance nutrition of the bodily tissues (dhatus) and purification of bodily systems (srotamsi). They are part of the rejuvenating and revitalising therapy for body and mind (rasajana). Traditionally they are used with a cup of warm milk or water, commonly used in the Ayurvedic medicine as a medium or environment (anupama) for preparation, use, direction and better assimilation of the health effects of the herbal supplements. Other mediums that increase therapeutic functioning of herbs (vehikula) include honey, cane or raw syrup, clarified butter (ghee) or oil.
We recommend using maximum of two herbal elixirs at the same time. More elixirs can be switched in a day or week period in case we use them for normalising common symptoms of distorted balance of body or mind. For their optimal effect use only one elixir at a time before meal allowing one-hour time gap. For more complex therapy for body and mind restoration, elixirs should be used for a longer period of the Ayurvedic treatments from 1 to 3 months following dosage indicated on the label. Specific taste of each elixir represents part of its therapeutic functioning and corresponds to the Ayurvedic properties of six tastes.
For its sattvic properties, the Ayurvedic medicinal system recognises lukewarm or boiled milk as a common ingredient of health recipes. It decreases the heat of Pitta dosha and calms down turbulent emotions. It is also a substantial nourishment and a healthy tonic for people with predominant Vata dosha. The milk enhances formation of life-force ojas which is the essence of the healthy immune system connected with efficient presence of Kapha dosha. People with sensitive digestion or slow metabolism can suffer from digestive disorders after milk consumption. Being such case, put a little of ginger, clove, cardamom, cinnamon or nutmeg into the milk for improvement of the digestive fire. Organic milk is always preferable.
Dietary supplement. Keep out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended dosage. Do not use as a substitute for a balanced diet. Store in a dry place under 25°C. Not convenient for children, pregnant and nursing women.
Dear sir or madam, while travelling your beautiful country a few weeks ago I bought some of the above mentioned tea and it seems to have a very favourable affect on blood/glucose level. Thank you.
I had hot flushes due to the starting menopause. I tried your tea, and it helped, and I also got other teas and elixirs for colds, muscle relief, TRIPHALA tea, and teas and elixirs for joints. I'm excited, and I also have delicious drinks, strangely, they taste for me, although there's TURMERIC or MORINGA in them, which I don't like at all. Thank you.
Hi, from childhood I suffered from allergy to everything that is sour - rash on palms. For 14 days I was drinking GAURI daily and after I ate an orange, nothing happened. My mum cured her mildew on legs. It is great!
I have a very good experience with the KALAMEGHA tea. It relieved me of long-lasting eczema on my hands that could only be regulated by corticoids. I had to get used to the taste of the tea, but it worked very well.
Good day. I have a very good experience with JATAMANSI tea. Due to difficult life problems, I began to have insomnia and anxiety, which later turned into depression. At first I tried ASHWAGANDHA tea for insomnia, but unfortunately I was already at the stage where my hands were shaking, I felt tense for 24 hours and had a fluctuating mood, so ASHWAGANDHA only helped a little, it was my fault, because I choose not quite a suitable tea to my health problems. I only felt real relief after trying JATAMANSI. It worked for me to combine JATAMANSI and ASHWAGANDHA or ASHWAGANDHA and RAJANI teas. Regards
I suffered from frequent vaginal mycoses. I started taking GAURI tea regularly and the problems disappeared. When it happens to me once in a while that I feel the onset of symptoms of mycosis, I immediately start taking this tea and the problems stop. Thank you very much.
I have had a persistent, dry, irritating cough for at least 4 months and TULSI tea immediately relieved me. After the first tea, I stopped coughing at night and was finally able to sleep! During the day I coughed less and less until the cough gradually subsided completely within 4-5 days. It tastes delicious!
Hello, I have often suffered from migraines. PRANA tea helped me with these problems. I would like to deal with all ailments (varicose veins, menopause) in this way. I am very satisfied with herbal teas.
The tea works! My daddy had 8,5 - 12 index. After one month use, index went to 7. I recommend it!
DALCHINI tea helped me through the first days of spring pollen season. After one week of drinking the tea, three times a day, I was able to walk my dog and run with him through a meadow in bloom!