Your Testimonials
I had back pain for half a year, medical examinations, changing medications but no relief. I tried everything, collagen, vitamins. No improvement. I've been using the bone and joint paste ASTHIPRASH for the 3rd day now, great relief. I am ordering again. I'm excited.
I have been using teas for some time. They are effective for good sleep, calming down, concentration and harmonization, they cleanse blood and remove hemorrhoids. He who came up with these blends must have been a genius.
Hello, I am using your healing therapy BLOOD AND SKIN DETOXIFICATION for hemorrhoids and it's amazing. After a week, I was without difficulty. It's been the third week I've been taking the treatment, and still not a drop of blood. Miracle!
I bought KODAMA – Samurai secret incense sticks in your teashop and I must say it was the most fantastic fragrance I have ever smelt in my life.
Hello. I ordered several products from you and I was satisfied with them. I plan to order another soon. Thank you.
The TULSI tea was very helpful during cold, after two days of drinking the tea, the sore throat disappeared. Its taste is great and has an amazing warming effect. I recommend to have enough of it in the winter time!
The problem of cold was solved right after drinking the first tea. I am excited and where I go, I have been recommending it for already two years.
We have great results with your teas !!! Personally, with TRIPHALA and SHUNTI, It helped me with reflux and it harmonized my metabolism and digestion.
NIMBA tea helped me with itchy eczema. I highly recommend!!!
Good morning, I want to join those who have tried VIDANGA tea, I am really happy with this tea, it helped me to reduce my weight and I really feel better. :o) So I recommend, it really works.