Your Testimonials
Thank you for KALAMEGHA tea, which finally helped me with several years of gallbladder problems. I will definitely try other tea treatments as well.
I really appreciate the THERMOS! I had to try one for myself. It's absolutely great, I use it every day!
I'll just tell you that your products are magical and help me immensely! My partner has back pain and we are taking SLESAKA on joints ... Thank you very much, greetings!
I drank Shatawari tea after my cyst surgery and I still drink it every now and then and thank God no cyst has come back. I highly recommend him.
Hello, after the vaccination, I had a complete breakdown of my entire body, incl. menstrual cycle. I suffered from very heavy, irregular, painful periods, PMS and short cycles. So I drank your APANA and DHATAKI teas. The first menstruation after the tea treatment was immediately affected! Menstruation came without unpleasant PMS, it was mild and painless. Thank you very much ❤ thanks to your teas, I avoided further hormonal treatment and possible surgery.
I have tried NIMBA tea for skin problems and I swear by it, I am going to try other teas as well!
As a professional in the field of nursing and with training in traditional Chinese medicine, I found the quality of these products to be very satisfactory. I use them and recommend their consumption, as they allow for the natural recovery of pathological conditions, but they also act as health-promoting agents. I stopped taking artificial vit C to help with iron absorption, because AMALAKI is very rich in this vitamin and played the role of an increased adjuvant to ferritin.
Hello, I bought ayurvedic tea NIMBA and have been using it for one month now and the complexion improved excellently. The acne also disappeared. This tea is having "A" from me!
Hello, I regularly buy teas from your offer (KUDZU, BRAHMI) and I am very satisfied with them. Regards
I am very satisfied with the herbal elixirs. They really work and are rich in minerals and nutrients, even when used in small amounts. Also, I have had nothing but positive feedback on the teas that I have purchased for my friends.