Ayurvedic Dosha Therapies

The Ayurvedic concept of a dosha therapy means that we are able to create a regular daily routine (dinacharya) that is suitable for our particular dosha type in accordance with our physical and mental characteristics, using all the knowledge and resources. If we can introduce into our lives a cleansing regime, the use of herbs, the application of oils (abhyanga), proper diet (ahara) and a healthy lifestyle (vihara), then we will see how this individual care for our own health will begin to manifest as physical and mental balance in our daily lives.

Each person has an individual original combination of doshas. Their permanent imbalance or significant aggravation is caused by wrong habits and stereotypes, unhealthy diet, wrong combination of foods, suppression of needs, emotional and psychological instability, frustration and negative thinking. These causes produce waste toxic substances (ama) that are stored in the bodily tissues and cause a disturbance in the balance of the three biological energies (doshas). If we can determine our psychosomatic constitution (prakrti) and also recognize our current dosha imbalance (vikrti), then we can better understand where our weaknesses and tendencies lie. Then we can effectively proceed to make changes in our diet (ahara) and lifestyle (vihara) so that we can maintain good health, which manifests itself in moderate appetite, good digestion, regular elimination, clear voice, absence of pain, refreshing sleep, good appearance, mental stability, energy, stamina, enthusiasm, balance, peace and compassion.

The little things we are able to change in our own lives, based on understanding our natural constitution, can do more for our health than taking medication or consulting many doctors. Read more about the possibilities of restoring health during doshic imbalance in the article Ayurvedic Dosha Therapies.

To determine your individual dosha constitution, you can complete the online Ayurvedic Dosha test.

Ayurvedic Dosha Therapies

Vata Dosha Therapy

Ayurvedic Home Therapy

-10% 25,38 €
original price: 28,20 €

Pitta Dosha Therapy

Ayurvedic Home Therapy

-10% 25,38 €
original price: 28,20 €

Kapha Dosha Therapy

Ayurvedic Home Therapy

-10% 25,38 €
original price: 28,20 €