
The respiratory tract begins with the nose, continues through the nasopharynx, larynx, windpipe, bronchi, bronchioles and ends with the alveoli. Every living organism is permeated with the breath of life, which is called prana. This life energy is essential for all movements in the cells, body systems and the entire physical body.

The rhythm of the breath influences our thoughts and emotions. Slow and conscious breathing brings oxygen to our blood, regenerates bodily tissues, slows down the oxidative process of cell structures and supports longevity. The breath stimulates the digestive fire in the stomach (agni) and participates in the transformation of food into vital energy, which nourishes all body cells, tissues and organs in the form of oxygenated blood.

What Causes a Respiratory Disorder 

Most of the respiratory disorders are caused by the accumulation of phlegm that settles in the stomach. Stomach pollution is therefore a common cause of respiratory problems, and the reduced appetite that accompanies them is a natural defence mechanism of the body. Thus, the temporary avoid of food can help the digestive fire to dispose of the accumulated pollution more quickly.

For detailed recommendations on the use of Ayurvedic teas to support respiratory health at various stages of disorders, see the article Guide to Ayurvedic Teas and Elixirs to fight Cold Naturally.



Throat & Bronchi

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Airways & Nasal Cavity

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Temperature & Body Weakness

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Vitality & Life Energy

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Stimulation of Body Fitness

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