Tridosha is the basic concept of Ayurveda, which says that health is based on the balance of the three life energies (doshas) vata, pitta and kapha.
Each of these forces is responsible for different physiological functions, and their different proportions in each individual create his distinct and unique character on the basis of his different physical and mental constitution.
Physiological Functions of the Three Doshas
Vata: physical and mental activity, circulatory and lymphatic system, nervous and respiratory system.
Pitta: digestion and metabolism, liver function and blood quality, brain activity and sensory perception, body temperature and skin appearance.
Kapha: skeletal structure and musculature, joint system and body fluids, vitality and immune system.
We are all born with a different ratio of vata, pitta and kapha dosha. And we always have all three present. But some may have a predominant kapha dosha, others may be a combined vata - pitta type, where kapha is present only to a lesser extent, and so on. This original inborn state is called prakrti. It is formed at the time of conception according to the ratio of doshas in the female egg and the male sperm.
The balanced tridoshic vata - pitta - kapha type is a very rare exception. In this case all the doshas are represented in equal proportions, thus creating the best condition for a life of balance and harmony. Such a ratio of doshas possesses profound peace and strength, and is subject neither to lethargy nor to excessive restlessness. The mind is both alert and relaxed. The physiological functions are balanced. Such prakrti represents the ideal default setting.
TIP: take the Dosha Orientation Test!
During life, however, the innate ratio of the individual doshas deviates and reflects on our psychological condition and physical health. Mental consciousness, thoughts, feelings, emotions, diet, lifestyle and the environment we live in all affect their balance or imbalance relative to their original settings.
Causes of Psychosomatic Imbalance:
- bad life habits and stereotypes
- unhealthy diet and wrong food combinations
- suppression of needs
- emotional and mental instability, frustration and negative thinking
Our current doshic ratio is called vikrti. If it corresponds to our prakrti, then we will be healthy and in our psychosomatic balance. In most cases, however, various life situations and our reactions to them or unhealthy lifestyles overly increase some of the doshas and this distorts their harmonic resonance with each other.
So the key to health and harmony is to understand who we are (what doshas prevail in us by nature), to accept ourselves as we are and to find a way to maintain our psychosomatic balance based on lifestyle and diet.
Ayurvedic Therapy Tridosha & Elixir of Harmony
To promote good interaction of physiological functions and harmonize the doshas, we can recommend the Ayurvedic Therapy Tridosha & Elixir of Harmony. It contains herbal tea Harmony Elixir and two herbal elixirs Manoprash and Chyawanprash and AMLA drink SHILAJIT MUMIO.
The Ayurvedic herbs contained in this combination of tea and elixirs have a positive effect on the neuroendocrine and cardiovascular systems and support healthy digestion. They also boost our mental health and improve stress tolerance.
How to Use?
You can take the treatment for 1-6 months. Drink the tea 2-3 times a day, morning and evening (you can also drink it any time during the day), Manoprash elixir in the morning, Chyawanprash elixir in the evening take a teaspoon with warm water, milk or vegetable milk.